drawings - köln

So here are the last drawings from my trip last week. Today, Köln (cologne, yes, I know ;)

Köln auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Again, you can see on the map where the drawings were done. In the rain. At least the first one (maybe that's why it lacks some more detail ;) Nevertheless, the first two were done from Köln Deutz, where you can get a nice view on Köln city center from across the Rhein. The last one is a drawing of the cloister of Sankt Maria im Kapitol.

So that's about it. But I'm lookin forward to travel some more and to do some more drawing abroad. I'll keep you posted :)

drawings - bergheim

hi there!

I went to Hambach observation point to see the open-pit mining. I can tell you it is huge! Unbelievable. Men move 1.1 billion m³ dirt, six years to get to the coal. Have a look at the panoramic picture...

There's a museum in Bergheim at Paffendorfer Schloss as well, so I went there. Not much to see, though. Anyways, Paffendorfer Schloss is pretty nice. Have a look at my drawings :)

Bergheim auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

The first two drawings were done from the square just inside the castle. The last one from the garden. The map also shows the observation point Hambach.

So, have fun everyone and let me know what you think of it :)

I'll be back - I'm back... and from enschede :)

Hi there! Jepp, I'm still alive - and more than ever. I finally finished my thesis last month and now I'm havin time for all the good stuff in life :D Yeah! traveling, meeting friends, and - of course - drawing. So, here are the first drawings from my trip last week. No. 1: Enschede. (Hoi! Stefan :)

View Enschede in a larger map

The first two were drawn at the »oude markt«, the third and the forth in the »bagels and beans«-café (the place to get breakfast on not-sundays :)

By the way - I'm using a different pen (mitsubishi ub-200 (08)) now, which forces me to draw faster, for those who are interested ;)

there are more to come, stay tuned :D