Who Am I

who am I? again. have fun guessing :)

well, well, I hope you like it ;)

Back in B.

Hi everyone.

Back from Berlin. I've been there. Walked through Prenzlberg. Had a few minutes to draw this doodle before meeting with flo :)

St George

Hi everyone.
A little something in between. A post from my sketchbook, drawn a few months ago.
Enjoy, t. :) 

Who Am I

Finally, a new post filed under »who am I?« (aus gegebenem Anlass sozusagen ;) Comments please.

Piui. Drawin this guy's killin me – so here's the first sketch I'm remotely content with... 

have fun guessing, everyone!

PS: sorry for the crappy reproduction, it's a picture taken with my 4 mpix camera.


A rose especially for you (and all the ones that didn't get one for valentines).
It's been a long time since I last used my pencils. Hope you like it :)


a few weeks ago I started painting again – Marv, maybe you know him. Marv is one of the characters of Frank Millers Sin City graphic novel.
Shown below is a short documentary of the whole Marv project, from first sketch to final piece. The final piece measures 113x100cm, which is quite impressive when it's hanging on a wall.

have fun,

light drawings

»there's nothing like experimenting«. Well, I experimented with light drawing yesterday. Setup: old digital camera, shutter time: 4 sec, drawing with a Led-light. So, every picture was drawn in 4 sec max. Here are some of the results. :)

heart u,